10 Instant Pot Hacks | Instant Pot Tips and Tricks

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Last Updated on May 2, 2022 by Share My Kitchen

What are your favorite Instant Pot hacks?
I LOVE learning new tips and tricks when it comes to cooking! 
I got several instant pot hacks that I wanted to share with your today. I hope they’ll be helpful to you as you use your Instant Pot to cook each day.

10 Instant Pot Hacks You Must Try

Hack #1: Cathy says, “Start with hot liquid so pot comes to pressure quicker.” Another version of this hack is use the sauté button to “pre-heat” the Instant Pot.

Hack #2: Mari said, “I like using my Instant Pot to deodorize, sanitize the silicone seals. Combine 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and one DROP Dawn Liquid Soap to pot, add seals, folding or twisting to be submerged, add the cooking trivet to keep seals underwater. Cover pot with lid, any lid, set up to sauté, let come to boil, turn off heat and let sit half an hour or overnight.”

Hack #3: Christina said, “Get rid of your rice maker…your IP makes PERFECT rice.”

Hack #4: Jennifer said, “The lid can be held in the notches on the side. This way, you don’t risk putting it on a hot stove and damaging it.”

Hack #5: Emilia said, “Don’t ever use the slow cook option! It doesn’t have warming plates around the sides. Only the bottom gets warm/hot and so it doesn’t cook thoroughly or really at ALL! The worst feature of the instant pot!”

Hack #6: Maureen said, “I always take my IP outside to release the pressure. No worries about ruining cabinets or walls, and NO food smells in the house and on my clothes for days!”

Hack #7: Kathy said, “If you have the 3-quart mini you can use the liner for pot-in-pot method in a 6 or 8 quart. It’s a perfect size, holds a lot, and cleans up like a dream!”

soup in instant potHack #8: Mary said, “Use a small foam paintbrush dipped in soapy water to clean the outer black rim. Then, rinse the paintbrush in water and remove soapy residue

Much more efficient than any other cleaning method that I have found.”

Hack #9: Kathy said, “When doing meal prep to go from freezer to IP, freeze your meals by pouring them into freezer bags that sit in round containers so it’ll freeze in the same shape as your cooker or pot in pot dish. Repurpose recyclable containers that fit for this purpose such as cool whip or sherbet bowls.”

Hack #10: PJ said, “Use Barkeeper’s Friend to clean the inner pot. I do this every time and even through many uses and cooked on gunk, it looks like the day I bought it three years ago! (Plus I never store leftovers in it. I always empty and clean it that same evening.)”

A Couple Of Precautions Before Trying Out Instant Pot Hacks

Before you dive into your instant pot adventure, you may want to avoid putting these things into your instant pots:

  • Thickeners
  • Bread (It’ll get soggy, we DON’T want that.)
  • Cookies
  • Delicate Meat

Should You Put Zip Lock Bag Into Your Instant Pot?

You should NOT. Definitely avoid putting plastic into your instant pot.

The zip-lock bag will melt and the whole clean-up is messy. You better take your frozen food out first, and leave the zip lock out.

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