Easy Cabbage Omelette Recipe

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Cabbage Omelette is a delicious and affordable cabbage dish. This is a great recipe for a quick and easy meal. It is also packed with healthy goodness from cabbage.

A Budget-Friendly Recipe

I was able to make some quick recipes during the quarantine period. I tried out different recipes and found the best way to use the available ingredients in my kitchen. This is how I came up with a cabbage omelette.

How to Cook Cabbage Omelette 

Cabbage omelette  is prepared by frying. First, you will need to chop or shred the cabbage into thin strips. However, if you prefer to keep it crunchy and visible when you cook it into an omelette rather than being fully coated with eggs, you may cut them into strips.

Eggs are a key ingredient in making cabbage omelette. Depending on your desired yield, you can add more eggs to this recipe. Then, use all-purpose flour as a binding ingredient. This is, however, completely optional.

You may also add dissolved chicken broth cube to the cabbage omelette to make it delicious and savory. However, this is optional too. You can just add vegetable broth or chicken broth for a healthier option.


  • 250 grams (1/4 kilo) of Cabbage
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • ¼ chicken broth cube (optional)
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Oil for frying


  • Cut the cabbage into small pieces, then wash and drain the cabbage after chopping.
  • Combine the eggs, cabbage strips, and all-purpose flour in a mixing bowl. In 1/2 cup hot water, dissolve the chicken broth cube. Then, mix the broth mixture with the cabbage. Combine well.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • In a pan, heat a little oil. Get a portion of cabbage mixture, and cook on low heat until it turns golden brown. While cooking, cover the pan with a lid.
  • Flip the cabbage omelette, and cook the other side. Cover the omelet again.
  • Once both sides have been cooked, remove the omelette from the pan. Then, fry the remaining mixture.
  • When you are done cooking everything, serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

Recipe Notes:

  • You can add chopped onions and garlic to make this dish even more delicious. Additional seasonings such as garlic powder can also be added.
  • You may also add bonito flakes, okonomiyaki sauce (optional), aonori, and mayonnaise to have that Japanese okonomiyaki feel. (All these are available at your nearest Asian grocery store)
  • Moreover, you can add meat to it. Sauté some chicken or pork ground meat, chicken or pork. Then, add it to the cabbage mixture.
  • Any dipping sauce can be used. For instance, you can use ketchup for this recipe. Kids will enjoy it.
  • Double the ingredients to make cabbage omelets.
  • You can substitute chicken broth or vegetable broth if you don’t have chicken broth cubes. However, this is an optional step.

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