Roasted Peppers With Garlic & Parsley As Appetizer

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Last Updated on March 19, 2024 by Share My Kitchen

Just its name has your mouth-watering, doesn’t it? And indeed, this dish is impossible to resist: tender roasted peppers marinated in olive oil and vinegar burst with summery colors and flavors. A healthy portion of garlic and the dish will have great taste and nutrition values.

When the summer is over and just before the time to start preserving garden produce for winter, Bulgarians make dishes such as this, called pecheni chushki (Печени чушки).


Roasted Peppers Recipe

Preparation time: 60 minutes
Makes: 4-6 servings


1 kg red and green bell peppers 150ml olive oil 100ml balsamic vinegar (white) 4-5 cloves garlic, chopped Small bunch of parsley (leaves only), chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


There are a few different ways to prepare them, but to me, grilling them is best. Peppers also are easily roasted in the oven – put them on a baking sheet lined with parchment, foil or a silicone mat and roast them in a 220 C (430 F) oven, turning them as each side chars, for 20 to 25 minutes.

If you are lucky the skin will come off in two or three pieces. Remove the core and seeds.  Reserve any juice if left.

Cut into one inch strips lengthwise and layer them in a bowl.  When you’ve got one layer, sprinkle the layer with salt, season it with coarsely ground black pepper, strew over some chopped parsley, some garlic also.

Then moisten the layer with extra-virgin olive oil and white balsamic vinegar.  Keep layering, cover the bowl and chill the peppers for a few hours or for as long as a couple of days.

Roasted peppers makes an easy and delicious appetizer when topped on bruchettas or toasted pita bread. Some more ideas?  Add them to sandwiches, salads, dips (great in hummus!), tomato sauce, or as a topping on pizza.

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