Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

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Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by Share My Kitchen

Mint chocolate chip milkshake with lots of mint chocolate chips ice cream and whole milk. It’s rich, thick, and very refreshing. This drink is a great choice for chocolate and mint lovers!

Although it is normal to only make homemade milkshakes during the summer, you can actually make it anytime as you wish. You don’t have to wait for those beautiful triple-digit temperatures!

Milkshakes can be made in a few minutes, and this milkshake uses just two ingredients: milk and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

If you like your shakes thick, use as little milk as possible. Whole milk is also used for this recipe. Normally, you can use 2 percent milk for our daily use. However, it is preferable to use whole milk because it makes the shakes richer. Spend more if you want to indulge!

You can put the glasses in the freezer for a while before filling them with the milkshakes. This ensures that the shakes don’t become too runny and stay as thick and cold for as long as possible.

Every milkshake needs a little more, so you can add whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and extra chocolate chips. Pretty please with cherry on top? Yes!

These mint chocolate chip milkshakes are great for any occasion, even on St. Patrick’s Day.

How to Make a Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake


  • 3 cups mint chocolate chip ice cream firmly packed
  • 1 ½ cups whole milk
  • Whipped cream maraschino cherries and chocolate chips (optional)


  1. Add the ice cream and the whole milk into a blender.
  2. Blend ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour the milkshake into tall (and cold) glasses.
  4. Then, top with your preferred optional ingredients.
  5. Enjoy!

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