How to Make Swede Sauerkraut

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Last Updated on June 30, 2022 by Share My Kitchen

Traditionally, sauerkraut is made from cabbage, but this recipe for swede sauerkraut will witness the less appreciated root vegetable get the fermentation treatment. This will give you a crunchier, sweeter preserve, which pairs well with cold cuts.

Although it may seem like a strange alternative to cabbage sauerkraut, swede actually belongs to the kohlrabi family and can be used in a similar way. This kraut is great with ham or boiled meats and can be enjoyed raw or cooked.

Also, caraway seeds in sauerkrauts are a great addition. They have a distinctive eastern European flavor and give it a pleasant perfume. However, it is important to be careful with how much you add, as it can become overwhelming. Just add 1 teaspoon of seeds to this recipe.

Swede Sauerkraut Recipe

This recipe yields 1 liter of swede kraut.


  • 1kg swede, cut into matchsticks
  • 40g of fine sea salt


  1. Put the swede into a large container, then massage it with salt. Allow it to rest uncovered at room temperature for approximately an hour. Transfer to mason jars or plastic containers and seal. Then, set aside at room temperature.
  2. The salt causes the vegetables to release juices. If, once the 12 hours are up, the vegetables are not entirely submerged in liquid, add saltwater solution to the vegetable until they are completely submerged. You just need 1 tbsp of fine sea salt for every 240ml water.
  3. Let the kraut ferment at room temperature. Then, once a day, open the jars for 5 minutes to let out the CO2. The swede can take between 4 days and 2 weeks to ferment, depending on how tangy you want it.
  4. When the kraut reaches the right amount of tang, you can transfer it to the refrigerator. Swede Sauerkraut will keep for up to 4 months.

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