Reheat Roasted Potatoes In The Over And Air Fryer

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Last Updated on May 2, 2022 by Share My Kitchen

Many people cook roasted potatoes during Thanksgiving every year, for sure.

However, what do you do with the leftovers? It can be difficult to properly store and reheat leftover roasted potatoes.

But you can make them as good as new again with the right tools, as well as the right method.

Reheating roasted potatoes in the oven

First, get a baking pan and grease it lightly. Then, heat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Put the greased baking sheet inside the oven. Next, place the remaining potatoes in one layer on the baking sheet once the oil is hot. Bake the potatoes for 8-12 minutes, and flip them every few minutes to make sure that the sides become crispy.

How to reheat roasted potatoes in the oven:

  1. Start by greasing the baking sheet with your choice of fat*, then put it in the oven.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) with the tray inside.
  3. Next, place potatoes carefully in one layer on the preheated baking tray. But do not overcrowd them because of uneven heating.
  4. Bake potatoes for 8-12 minutes, but flip them every few minutes.
  5. Enjoy!

Butter and oil are simple, but it’s better to use the fat that you used when you cooked your potatoes. This makes sure you get a consistent flavor.

However, remember to preheat the oil prior to placing the potatoes on the baking sheets. This process prevents the potatoes from getting soaked and it results to a crispier skin.

Be careful when you handle the tray since hot oil can cause serious burns.

Tip: use a pair of tongs to flip potatoes.

You may also try to cover the baking pan with foil, but there isn’t much difference in the moistness between the covered and the uncovered. Both turned out with soggy skin.


Although it is a good way to heat up potatoes, it is not the best method.

The potatoes were not soggy, however, they did not have the crispy skin.

This method was also the most time-consuming, and flipping over the pieces is difficult.

The oven is the most efficient if you have a lot of potatoes to reheat. But if you are only reheating a few potatoes for your family, an alternative method will be less time-consuming.

Reheating roasted potatoes in a skillet

You first need to heat some butter or oil on a nonstick skillet. When the pan is hot, add the potatoes and cover it with a lid. Cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. Then, take off the lid, turn the heat up a little, and fry the potatoes. But don’t forget to flip them frequently to make all sides crispy.

How to reheat roasted potatoes in a skillet:

  1. Begin by adding oil or butter on a nonstick skillet.
  2. Turn the heat up to medium until the oil shimmers (this is a sign that it’s hot enough).
  3. Add potatoes to the pot and cover it with a tight-fitting lid.
  4. Then, heat for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Take off the lid, and turn the heat to medium-high.
  6. Fry the potatoes for a few more minutes.
  7. Make sure to turn the potatoes frequently, so all sides become crispy.

For the first few minutes of cooking, cover the skillet with a lid to retain moisture in the potatoes and heat the inside.

You might think that the lid would result in soggy skin, but fortunately, it does not (don’t add additional water).

Remember to heat the oil (or any fat you decide to use) before adding the potatoes to a skillet.

If not, you will end up with greasy potatoes because the potatoes will absorb the oil as it heats.

Drop a piece of breadcrumb into the oil to test it.

The oil is hot enough if it sizzles. Otherwise, it is too cold.


Using a skillet is one of the best methods to heat up roast potatoes.

The insides stay moist, while the outsides become crispy.

In addition, the potatoes are very easy to flip with tongs. This was especially true when compared to baking in the oven.

Reheating roast potatoes in an air fryer

Start by preheating your air fryer at 350°F (180°C). Spray the potatoes with a light coat of cooking oil (if you desire), then place them in the air fryer basket. Finally, reheat it for 5 minutes, and shake the basket halfway through to make sure it crisps evenly.

How to reheat roasted potatoes in an air fryer:

  1. Preheat your air fryer at 350°F (180°C).
  2. Spray a thin coating of cooking oil on the potatoes.
  3. Then, place the potatoes in a fryer basket
  4. Reheat for five minutes, and shake halfway through to make sure they are crispy.
  5. Enjoy!

Two things can be done with a light coating of cooking oil:

One, it adds flavor.

Two, it also prevents your potatoes from sticking to the air fryer basket. But check the instructions for your air fryer for more tips on how to prevent your potatoes from sticking.

However, you can skip adding oil if your potatoes are already very greasy.

The potato’s skin residual oil will suffice.

Always pay close attention to the potatoes when potatoes are being reheated. They can overcook or burn if you are not watching.


This is the best method of reheating roast potatoes.

It is quick and produces potatoes that are crispy on the outside, and moist on the inside.

It also doesn’t require much oil to make the skins crispier, which is especially important if you are trying to be healthy.

How to reheat roasted potatoes in the microwave

There is also a method of using a microwave to reheat your roast potatoes. Simply place them on a microwave-safe plate you have covered with a paper towel. Try to prevent the potatoes from touching. Set the microwave on HIGH in 30 seconds intervals until its heated through. Heating one portion for 30 seconds should be enough.

Steps To Use Microwave For Reheating Potatoes

  1. First, place a piece of paper towel on a microwave-safe plate.
  2. Then, line the potatoes in one layer on a plate. But leave enough space between each potato.
  3. Set the Microwave at HIGH power for 30 seconds, until heated through.

A paper towel placed on top of the potato will absorb any grease left over from initial cooking.

The power of microwave ovens varies, so the cook times may vary depending on which one you have.

Check the potatoes you are reheating every 30 seconds to ensure that they don’t get overcooked.


Although this method was quick, it did not produce pleasant reheated potatoes.

Not only were the insides moist, but the exteriors were also soggy.

This method of reheating your roasted potatoes is not recommended.

How to store roasted potatoes

Although it’s easy to store potatoes in a refrigerator, you need to follow a few steps to avoid having soggy potatoes when you reheat them.

Use an airtight container

You can store leftover roast potatoes in an airtight container lined with a paper towel. The paper towel will absorb any moisture that may seep from the potatoes (even though they are completely cool).

How Long do roasted potatoes last in the fridge?

The roast potato leftovers can last in the refrigerator for up to 4 to 5 days. Make sure that your leftovers remain at room temperature before storing them.

If you don’t, condensation can build up in any container and cause excess moisture.

Also, prevent the potatoes from touching too often.

The spots where the skins touch will be soggy faster than those with space.

Can you freeze roasted potatoes?

Roast potatoes freeze well if they are properly prepared. It is important to pack the potatoes in a way that no air can reach them. You can make the potatoes more susceptible to freezing if there is too much air. Roast potatoes can be stored in the freezer for between 6-12 months.

How to freeze roast potatoes:

  1. First, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. This is to prevent sticking.
  2. Place potatoes in a single layer on the baking sheet.
  3. Then, put the baking sheet in the freezer for at least one to two hours.
  4. The potatoes should be frozen solid after 2 hours. Next, transfer the potatoes to a zip-top bag.
  5. As much as possible, remove all air from the bag before sealing it.
  6. You can keep it in the freezer for up to 6-12 month.

Making sure that you get rid of the air in the bag is important to avoid freezer burn.

You can squeeze the air out, but there is another cool method: fill a bowl with cool water, and slowly submerge the bag into the water until the potatoes are underwater.

The water forces out all air and vacuum seals the potatoes.

Then, seal the bag, and put it in the freezer.

You can also store leftover roast potatoes longer in the freezer if you have a FoodSaver or a similar vacuum sealer.

The first couple of steps are called ‘flash freezing’ the potatoes.

This keeps them from sticking together in your freezer, so you won’t need to thaw large batches of potatoes just to use a few.

You roast potatoes can become soggy and flavorless over time if you continually freeze and refreeze them.

In addition, this can also speed the growth of harmful bacteria that could cause food poisoning.

How to reheat frozen roasted potatoes

You don’t need to thaw the roast potatoes before you cook them. The best method to reheat them is using the oven. Just preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Then, place the potatoes on a baking sheet, and heat them for 20 to 23 minutes, flipping halfway through.

However, thawing roast potatoes before you heat them up is not recommended. This can cause mushy skins.

If you do decide to thaw potatoes before you heat them up, be sure to put them in the refrigerator to thaw. Do not let them thaw at room temperature.

How long do roast potatoes last?

Proper food storage is important to avoid the spread of bacteria that could make you sick. You should store leftover roast potatoes in the freezer or fridge as soon as you can.

Traditionally, these guidelines are followed for proper food storage times:

Room Temperature:

Roast potatoes will last for approximately two hours. You risk bacteria growth if you leave it longer than that. The FDA recommends that food left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours should be thrown away.


Roast potatoes can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.


For the best quality, roast potatoes can be frozen for up to 6 months. However, it can last up to a year or longer if it is properly sealed, and especially if it is vacuum-sealed.

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